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How Much Does It Really Cost to Build a WordPress Website?

Wordpress, Dec 21, 2021

Perhaps, we all know that WordPress is an absolutely free and open-source CMS (Content Management System) and there are hundreds of free templates and plugins available out there on the market. With these, you can easily build a website from scratch with little coding knowledge!

Unfortunately, there are still some constant costs when you are going to launch your desired WordPress site. That said, determining the minimum cost of creating a WordPress powered website can be really tricky. Because it completely depends on your choice and needs. However, we would like to help you the tricks of estimating both a typical and an advanced WordPress site.

Having many years of experience in WordPress, we always recommend you to start small and then scale your WordPress site as it expands over time. There are some premium plugins that your website does not require at all in the preliminary stage. Now, without further ado, let's see how to create a website on a customized budget with WordPress just as your various needs so that you can get to know how much does it really cost to build a site.

To customize your WordPress website to meet your needs, you’re likely going to want some premium WordPress extensions, which come in two forms:

Themes — Your theme controls the design structure of your site.

Plugins — Plugins add new features to your site.

Depending on your needs, your cost to start a Quality WordPress website can range from $200 to $700. It’s important to know what type of website you are building, and what you’ll need Webclus Technologies for it because that will directly affect your cost.

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